
Nabiis & Prodorapid New Office

在大家團結合作之下 nabiis和台灣第一間自行車快遞公司PRODORAPID(東京快轉急便)終於了成立!! 今後也請大家多多指教〜台北市萬華區開封街二段64號2F TEL:(02)2311-2511 Now u can find us!! +886-2-23112511 2F., No.64, Sec. 2, Kaifeng St., Wanhua Dist.…

nabiis兵工廠footdown 傑瑞jerry vs 阿嘎Gazz!!

nabiis兵工廠footdown PK:傑瑞 vs 阿嘎!!/by Luzofan

nabiis x FTC ”Alchemy” Frame

AlchemyThe black/gold frame/fork is all black with vintage, Keirin like gold flakes mixed into the paint. All the graphics on this frame/fork are gold. The “nabiis” and “FTC” name is on the down tube. “For The City” is located on the seat …

Happy 2010

〜2〜0〜1〜0〜* ❄ * ❄ *〜!!!!!!!!!Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!〜❄ * ❄ *〜2〜0〜1〜0〜

Happy Bday*

Kellyの誕生日パーティー みんな宜蘭礁溪溫泉でBBQ!!!〜〜Happy Birthday〜〜 to Kelly